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18-22 May 18 & 19, 9-15.30 h 20 & 21, 10-16.30 h 400 € Register: Don’t miss this rare opportunity to study with world renowned actress, teacher and author of the book Seriously Silly!   with Nicole’s, very physical and joyful approach to your performance, you can create a lively, playful and fearless...

Zirkus Berlin Zirkus! Der aktuelle Roundtabel beschäftigt sich mit Strategien, um die momentan-partielle aktuelle Antriebsmüdigkeit zu überwinden! Ein Zusammenkommen für alle Menschen in um mit und für den Zirkus! Wie geht’s Euch in dieser Welt, die eine neue Ordnung sucht? Wie schaffen wir es uns selbst zu...

an evening of short contemporary circus works Innovative and unique perspectives on contemporary circus are presented by Stefan Sing, Cristiana Casadio, Florian Canaval, Michael Canaval, Frank Willens, Liz Williams and Howard Katz Special Guest Concert Sunday :Post Holocaust Popwith Howard Katz, Matthias Herrmann & Ansgar Tappert Location: Q...

This workshop focuses on all of the ingredients one needs to Research for a stage performance. We will discuss how to pick themes that are clear enough to work through, with others. Our work will take us through a series of research techniques. Starting with our...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Workshop 1: Spiral up, drip down- Silks [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]A fun and intricate silks workshop featuring material that lends itself to spirals and fluid, curvey movement, we will also be exploring the body techniques involved in executing this style. Learn new...